Although NOVUSWOOD engineered hardwood floors are perfectly suited to underfloor and regular radiant heating systems, there are a few basic rules that a client has to follow to achieve product longevity.


All wood floors have some movement due to moisture variation.

Although daily temperature fluctuations do not harm the wood floor directly they do affect the moisture content. As temperature rises the moisture content can reduce and vice versa.

Therefore, setting high room temperatures can cause moisture reduction in the wood and create gaps between boards.

NOVUSWOOD engineered hardwood flooring is designed to be stable and resistant to such moisture variations. However, it is normal and to be expected that minimal seasonal gapping can naturally occur.
It is recommended that if you intend installing an underfloor heating system that you inform the contractor that you are planning to have engineered hardwood floors fitted as well and ask for their guidance and any recommendations before proceeding with the heating installation.


1. STARTING UNDERFLOOR HEATING – be extra cautious. The maximum daily temperature increase is 5°C per day. After 3-4 days, when a comfortable room temperature is achieved, maintain that same temperature for a week. This is important as it acclimatises and strengthens the wood and glue used in the installation. When planning to turn your heating off, follow the same procedure by decreasing the temperature by a maximum of 5°C per day.
2. LOW TEMPERATURE – try to maintain your heating temperature as low as comfortable. Recommended room temperature is 18-25°C. Never exceed the recommended maximum floor surface temperature of 29°C.
3. EVEN HEAT – Maintain the floor heating temperature across all rooms at a fairly similar level. It should not differ by more than 1-2°C
4. USE A THERMOMETER – use temperature indicators to monitor room temperature.


1. PRIOR TO INSTALLATION – ensure that the sub-floor is dried for a period of approx. 2 weeks.
2. SUBFLOOR HUMIDITY – At the time of installation any concrete sub-floor must have a moisture level no higher than 2%. The longevity of your wood floor is dictated by factors such as the level of sub-floor humidity and the expertise of the installation. Glued-down installation is recommended. A sub-floor humidity level measurement prior to installation is essential.
3. TURN OFF the heating 24 hours before floor installation.
4. ROOM HUMIDITY – The recommended humidity level in a property should be kept within 40-60%.
5. USE A HUMIDIFIER/DEHUMIDIFIER – this will help maintain a constant humidity level in all rooms, particularly during seasonal variations.

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